July Art Crawl: Eyes Up, Nickels Down & Look-What Do You See?
Collaboration with Brian Somerville and Rebekah Alexander
July 7th, 6-9 PM | FREE | All Ages
Everyone likes to say their event is a “don’t miss it, one-of-a-kind” experience, but how many times have you been at an art show in which a giant bee is beheaded and then becomes part of the stage for performance art? Sculpture Artist Brian Somerville has collaborated with Performance Artist Rebekah Alexander to bring you a truly wondrous and strange happening.
From one expression come forth the materials for another expression
Forces of power, anger, sadness, strength, desperation, creativity, joy
shift, break, change what is
artist – Rebekah Alexander
Queen Be contains broken glass from the November 2016 premiere of LookMirrorBreakPoint at Queen Avenue Gallery in Nashville.
The artist’s intention is to consciously incorporate all broken glass from performances into subsequent/different pieces
“Eyes Up, Nickels Down” by Brian Somerville
July will also include work by Alysha Irisari Malo and Amy Alvarez:
Alysha Irisari Malo:
“My interdisciplinary visual and written work explores cycles, transitions, and ephemerality, and how those elements affect emotional relationships and dependencies. My artwork often deals with the difficulty of processing change and uncertainties, whether that be concerning loss or a questioning of identity.”
Amy Alvarez:
Amy M. Alvarez holds an MFA in Creative Writing from the Stonecoast Program at the University of Southern Maine. Her work concerns the ideological concept of “home,” and how this concept shifts for those who have experienced displacement, dysfunction, or dislocation. Amy has read at Bowery Poetry in Manhattan and at The Cantab and Newtonville Books in the Boston area. Her poetry has been published in Black Renaissance Noire, The Wide Shore: A Journal of Global Women’s Poetry, and The New Guard Review. Her poem “Alternative Classroom Senryu” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. A native New Yorker, Amy currently teaches at West Virginia University.
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